Asian American

You are an Asian American navigating between two worlds.

You experience difficulty fitting in with the mainstream; or you blend in easily, but worry about losing touch with a core part of who you are.

You suspect that you inherited some unhealthy emotional and relationship patterns from your parents.

There is a gnawing sense of wishing you were different, and you often don’t feel understood by your family because of your career or relationship choices.

You have achieved a lot in your career, but something is missing - you want more.

As a bicultural and a bilingual Asian American therapist, I've likely experienced your struggles.

We can work together in any of the following areas.

  • Succeed in a diverse workplace. You are ambitious and work hard. I’ve been in your shoes because I was a management consultant for three years and graduated from top business (MBA) and engineering (M.S. and B.S.) programs. You are already proficient in many areas, and I can help you build confidence in others. Sometimes it’s difficult to find someone whom you can honestly and openly talk to about your challenges.

  • Improve your relationships. We can figure out how to balance the emotional with the analytical, communicate effectively, and change patterns that stem from negative childhood experiences. Unfortunately many of us didn’t have parents who modeled health relationship behaviors.

  • Navigate intergenerational family conflicts. You feel torn between respecting your parents and protecting your independence. This is a frequent issue I see working with Asian Americans.  I have experienced this in my own life as well.

  • Integrate your various cultural identities. Common issues include inter-racial dating (I married an Indian American), choosing an unconventional career, and working in a setting where you are a minority. As an Asian American male, I am keenly aware of how I have been shaped by experiences of privilege and discrimination.

  • …and more. Whether it is feeling stuck in your career, coping with anxiety or depressed mood (check out the Free Guides page), managing life transitions, or searching for meaning and personal growth, I can be your resource, guide, and supporter.

Suggested reading from my blog:

  • Dream analysis. Dreams are a window into our unconsciousness. According to Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

You are here because you are aware of the benefit of therapy. You know you are not weak or crazy, and you want personal growth beyond family, friends, and self-help. Therapy is like that feeling you get at the end of a long day, when you did everything you needed to do.  It is a special moment just for you.

Research shows that your relationship with your therapist is the most important ingredient in successful therapy, so I offer free phone consultation to make sure that we are a good fit. I also have extensive experience providing treatment using evidence based approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy.

May you finding the guiding lights on your journey.

Liang Liao, Ph.D., MBA

Liang Liao, Ph.D., MBA, M.S.

Licensed Psychologist

(425) 835-2689

Use this form to email me, schedule a free phone consultation, or book an appointment.