
Time-limited, evidence-based therapy for professionals

Liang Liao, Ph.D., MBA, M.S.

Licensed psychologist

Are you feeling stressed and anxious?


You are conscientious, smart, and considerate, yet you feel stressed and anxious because of high demand or new changes. You want to learn specific skills on how to feel more confident and increase your performance.


You are struggling in one or more close relationships, and don’t know how to argue less and feel closer.  You want to learn how to better regulate your emotions and communicate your needs.


You suspect your emotional difficulties are related to past trauma, which can be one life-changing event or a series of small events, such as constant criticism by parents in childhood. You want to heal and change how you respond to triggers.

I get it … I’ve been there.

I specialize in helping professionals in tech.

High performers are often their own worst critic. As someone who has studied and worked in highly competitive environments, I have likely been in your shoes. I work especially well with professionals because I was an engineer (UCLA, M.S.; UC Berkeley, B.S.) for six years and a management consultant (Dartmouth, MBA) for three years. I also served as a psychologist at Facebook’s onsite Wellness Center, providing individual and couples counseling to its employees.

I have helped many individuals who were seeking counseling for the first time.  They understood the value of personal growth and professional help. I create a warm and non-judgmental space so you can be your authentic self.

Evidence-based Therapy

Individual therapy

My primary practice is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is one of the most effective therapy modalities, as evidenced by decades of research. CBT is collaborative and skills-based, and I will track our progress through brief questionnaires completed at the beginning and end of each therapy session.  My goal is to help you become your own therapist by learning and practicing a set of skills.  Most clients will feel significantly better after 8 to 15 sessions.

Over a decade of experience

Slide Engineer Liang is always helpful and compassionate. He is a wonderful listener. He helps me plan how to approach my stressors. I am very grateful to have Liang to talk to and feel I am not alone in my depression, PTSD and other areas. Slide IT Manager I love the help I'm receiving from Dr. Liao. Without him, I don't think I could function. Slide Housewife Liang is a great listener and understands that I struggle and acknowledges when I strive. He has helped me grow and heal. Thank you so so much for the work that you do. Slide Software engineer Liang is a very caring therapist. I feel like I can talk to him freely. Slide Health professional Liang is wonderful, he truly listens to my concerns and helps me progress and learn. Slide Administrator I felt like Dr. Liao understands me. Client Quotes
Free Guides

Check out these step-by-step guides that can help you reduce anxiety, improve mood, and increase confidence.

keep Calm

  • Stimulate the body’s relaxation response.
  • An overview of the biological mechanisms of anxiety and panic.
  • A list of common anxiety triggers.
  • Instructions to track thoughts that cause anxiety.
  • A guide to training your mind to be flexible.
  • Tips to motivate yourself to exercise. Yes, I know, it’s hard!
  • Techniques to experience a state of deep relaxation.
  • An introduction to radical acceptance. Not a mind trick.
  • An counter-intuitive approach to dealing with overwhelming anxiety.
  • Strategies to overcome avoidance.

discover Calm

stay Strong

  • Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself.
  • Instructions to identify and describe precisely how you feel.
  • An overview of what affects difficult emotions.
  • Tips to improve your sleep.
  • Understanding the inner workings of self-criticism.
  • A list of common triggers that affect your mood.
  • An introduction to mindfulness – a special kind of awareness.
  • Common types of cognitive distortions.
  • A guide to training your mind to be flexible.
  • Behavioral strategies for getting unstuck from depressed moods.

discover Strong
Selected Blog Entries

Learn how I can help you through these articles.

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