

Get to know my areas of focus through these articles.  I value openness and authenticity, so I often use my personal experiences as examples of how I approach various topics.  If you like what you read, we’ll probably work well together!

A sanctuary close to home

I took an extended walk with M in the afternoon, and was unexpectedly taken over by a deep sense of serenity.  M fell asleep in her stroller soon after we...... Read More

Circle of love and safety

Tonight was the second night we put M, our 9-month old daughter, to sleep by creating a circle of love and safety.  Our daughter has always given us a hard...... Read More

The Four Most Important Questions in a Job Interview

Preparing for a job interview is stressful. If you are like me, you will google and write down a long list of possible questions, and write out the best answer...... Read More

Signs that you were affected by subtle forms of racism

“There are these two young fish swimming along, and happened to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods to them and says, ‘Morning boys, how’s the water?’ ...... Read More

7 emotional patterns that you may have gotten from your parents

You suspect that you inherited some unhealthy emotional and relationship patterns from your parents.  If you did, you wonder what they are and how they affect your work and relationships. ...... Read More

How to argue well

Couples argue.  The key to a healthy relationship is “arguing well,” which were wise words that an esteemed colleague told me during my bachelor’s trip in Yosemite right before my...... Read More

How to cope with rejection

Rejection is painful.  Whether it’s a romantic interest who stopped returning your texts, a job or promotion you didn’t get, or the dreaded letter from the university’s admissions office, we...... Read More

Dream analysis

Dreams are a window into our unconsciousness.  According to Carl Jung, who was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and...... Read More

Working with imagery

Many people have the experience of seeing spontaneous images in their mind.  The imagery seemingly appears out of the blue, and it’s often puzzling why and from where it arises. ...... Read More

Managing life transitions

Managing life transitions and their impact is one of the most difficult challenges we encounter.  I describe below a writing activity that I’ve found helpful as I cope with several...... Read More